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TeXchromosome.org | CEO

Penny Jo Pullus stands firmly at the helm of the independent women’s music community, as co-founder of TeXchromosome.org, women’s international radio show producer, singer songwriter, art-ivist and Girl Scout. The team at TeXchromosome.org are advocates for women in music, ran by alliances of creative visionaries coming together to form a musical coalition that believe in a safer, kinder world for women artists. Formed out of passion projects with co-founder Kay Miracle, the company began intuitively searching for survival as seasoned woman artists by lifting women’s voices in the industry and challenging the gender disparity in radio airplay and live performance. The team keeps women artists heard and safe on the road and is dedicated to building impactful, creative relationships that benefit and sustain the artist as well as the community, nurturing humanity not vanity. TeXchromosome.org sponsors festival stages at conferences, community events and educational opportunities. TeXchromosome.org Women’s Vinyl Sampler coming June 22.