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HeartGift | Board Chair; Chief Executive Officer; Cardiologist and Medical Director

Photo by Joi Conti Photography

The statistics are staggering: 1 in 100 babies are born with a congenital heart defect, and many won’t make it to their next birthday. In countries like the United States, children are treated immediately. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for youngsters living in rural parts of the world where access to specialized medical care is either scarce or nonexistent. HeartGift, an Austin-based nonprofit, targets these numbers directly. The organization and its three chapters in Texas and Louisiana provide free life-saving heart surgeries to the most vulnerable children from 35 countries. Since 2000, HeartGift has coordinated and gifted nearly 800 surgeries thanks to medical partners, generous donors and volunteer host families. Future plans include increasing the number of children cared for in the U.S. and abroad through international medical missions and partnerships with hospitals in Asia, Africa and Central America. “It’s simple…one gift translates into exponential impact. These children go on to live happy, healthy lives. It’s the right thing to do,” says Christy Casey-Moore, HeartGift CEO.



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