Browsing: ATX Woman to Watch

Amanda Bonilla’s journey as a woman defies norms and fosters empowerment. Through her unwavering authenticity, she not only levels up as an individual but also inspires women across Austin, Texas and beyond.

Michal Ann Morrison is the founder of Genesis Molecular Technologies—a biotechnology R&D
company—and Michal Morrison, Inc.—a skincare company rooted in 25 years of research in stem cell science.

Austin Scholar is a 17-year-old high school student with a passion to help parents understand, motivate and talk to their teenagers about education, life skills and mental health.

Rose Stuckey Kirk is senior vice president and chief corporate social responsibility (CSR) officer for Verizon. She is responsible for the company’s CSR investment strategy and programmatic buildout.

Rose Stuckey Kirk is senior vice president and chief corporate social responsibility (CSR) officer for Verizon. She is responsible for the company’s CSR investment strategy and programmatic buildout.