Facts and figures on females from throughout the world.

By Abigail Rosenthal, Illustrations by Jessica Wetterer

24 Award Ceremonies

Cheryl Boone Isaacs served on the board of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for 24 years before stepping down from her position. As the departing president, Boone Isaacs was still eligible to run for re-election for her position on the board. She served as president for the past four years, enduring multiple controversies, such as the #OscarsSoWhite campaign for more diversity in 2016 and the infamous but wildly entertaining envelope scandal this February. As the first African-American and third female president of the academy, Boone Isaacs spearheaded multiple campaigns for a more diverse pool of members in an organization that is 58 percent male and 87 percent Caucasian. Results of the new board-member races will be announced in July.

25 Versus 45 Years Old

Regarding research about the gender pay gap, Wellesley College economist Sari Kerr told The New York Times college-educated women at the age of 25 earn 90 percent the amount of pay as men of the same age. However, the research shows that level of equality starts to dip with age. As women choose to have children, the pay gap widens. By age 45, on average, women make 55 percent the amount of pay as men the same age. That’s a 35 percent paycheck decrease for women between the ages of 25 and 45. According to Kerr, the choice to have the spouse that earns less take on more housework and child care is logical, but it’s a decision that also reinforces the pay gap. While it might be encouraging that the pay gap for college graduates starts at almost zero, these findings show there’s still a lot of progress to be made in the ratio of female versus male compensation.

34 Percent

As the hot months of summer continue to saunter on and the sun gets mercilessly more intense throughout the next few months, women everywhere are stocking up on sunscreen for long days spent by the pool. For those planning to soak up some vitamin D, consider this a reminder to wear sunscreen at all times, even when spending periods of the day inside. A survey published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals only 34 percent of women regularly apply sunscreen to all exposed skin, a shockingly low statistic, considering skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. In fact, there are more cases of skin cancer diagnosed each year than the diagnosed number of cases of prostate, lung, breast and colon cancer combined. Stock up on sunscreen with broad-spectrum protection, one with at least 15 SPF, in order to guard against both UVA and UVB rays.

75 Percent

A 2012 study conducted by the Colorado Women’s College of the University of Denver found women make up 75 percent of team members at nonprofits, an industry that accounts for the third-largest employment sector in the U.S. Working with a nonprofit, the study cites, offers women appealing benefits, such as flexible work hours and the opportunity to make a philanthropic difference while working. A more recent study, The Chronicle of Philanthropy’s 2014 “Untapped Potential of Women in Nonprofits” report, found that 57 percent of women in this sector, including 72 percent of women ages 18 to 34, aspire to hold the position of CEO. However, on the leadership side of the table, women make up only 45 percent of CEOs at nonprofits with budgets less than $25 million, and only 21 percent of CEOs at nonprofits with budgets of $25 million or more. Research has shown nonprofits with women in leadership positions are more successful in reaching their goals and satisfying employees—proof that hopefully encourages more nonprofits to employ women in higher positions.

13,000 Women Walking

To celebrate International Women’s Day March 8, women’s-empowerment network Vital Voices organized 117 Global Mentoring Walks in 60 countries. More than 13,000 participants from throughout the world gathered in their respective parts of the globe to address a variety of area-specific challenges that women and girls face in their own communities. Participants raised awareness of the dangers of child marriage in Pakistan, promoted storytelling to elevate female leaders in South Africa and encouraged women’s leadership in the tech industry in Mexico. This annual event continues to create a way for established female leaders in their communities to connect with other women and girls, inspiring them to create change for future generations.


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