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Horseshoe Bay Resort Realty, Realtor

Leslea Roberts is the go-to woman if you’re looking to buy a home in beautiful Horseshoe Bay. She stands out from the crowd with her high work ethic, blatant honesty and strong financial background. Working without an assistant allows her to get to know her clients one-on-one so she can help put them in the perfect primary or vacation home. Whether it’s marketing a new development overlooking Lake Lyndon B. Johnson or listing a resale on the golf course, she puts her heart and soul into every transaction. Although she takes pride in working long hours to get the job done well, this single mom’s biggest joy is her 13-year-old son. She is a strong believer in life-work balance and has helped other single moms in this area. Her sense of loyalty, humor and knowledge make it easy to see why clients are gravitating toward her in 2021.