As the founder of Listing Village, Bridget Reed helps clients use social media to increase sales and attract quality leads.
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By the time Bridget Reed co-founded her second business, she had three girls, two dogs and a husband supportive of her ambitions. She pivoted from an already successful startup she had built with her husband to found Listing Village. Now Reed spends her time representing Listing Village to local real-estate brokers and agents. She helps her clients focus on sharing their listings and open houses via social media to increase sales and attract quality leads. Listing Village was built with local agents and brokers as a way to take back online real estate, while maintaining an affordability for everyone. Reed also serves as vice chair for Young Nonprofit Professionals Network’s Do Gooder Games Committee and uses Facebook to educate women entrepreneurs on branding, resume building, social selling, Facebook-ad awareness and more. For tips on brand boosting or increasing quality leads, swing by her Capital Factory office or follow her online @ListingVillage.