By: Jenny Hoff

There are AI tools that can revolutionize your financial planning.

Innovation is revolutionizing personal finance management. Just like artificial intelligence (AI) can help you come up with a snazzy book title or party menu, there are many AI-powered apps and tools that can help you manage your finances as if you have a personal financial advisor in your back pocket. 

Budget like a pro with Wally.

The Wally app is like your financial BFF. It automatically tracks your spending, cash flow and bills. It can give you personalized suggestions, and its chatbot, WallyGPT, can predict your monthly expenses and recommend a personalized savings plan. Wally can also categorize your expenses from connected accounts (checking, savings, credit cards, loans, investments). It also works in 70-plus countries, so if you’re heading out of town for the summer, you don’t need to worry about converting currencies to keep your finances in check. The best part? Unlike a real financial advisor, it’s free!

Get real-time financial advice whenever you need it.

If Wally is your budgeting bestie, Cleo is ready to chat about money. This interactive chatbot can answer questions like, “How much should I save for vacation?” or compare categories based on your spending habits. Cleo can also autosave money for you, so you don’t have to depend on willpower to transfer money each month to your savings account. Cleo can also keep you in check with “savings fines.” If you splurge on nonessentials, Cleo moves a set amount into your savings. That’s a friend who keeps you in check. Cleo is also free.  

Find an affordable investing assistant in Magnifi.

As your AI investing assistant, Magnifi can offer investment guidance with personalized advice, help you research top investments and teach you about market trends. It can also build an investment strategy tailored to your personality and financial goals. With a high 5% APY on your savings, it can pay for itself and then some. Cost is $11 per month.

Get rid of old subscriptions.

In an age where everything requires a subscription, you could be paying for services you have long stopped using. Rocket Money has you covered. It can identify and cancel unused subscriptions as well as notify you when subscriptions renew or prices change. It also gives you some advice where you can save by cutting unnecessary expenses. Cost varies; check the app for details. 

A smart accountant for a small business owner.

While Quickbooks isn’t new, its AI-driven features are game changers. It offers automated bookkeeping where you can connect your accounts, and QuickBooks handles invoicing, payroll, and offers financial insights. It can track expenses by categorizing them, tracking mileage and simplifying tax preparation. It can even predict future cash flow so you can make informed decisions. Cost is subscription-based and varies by plan. 

Remember, these AI tools aren’t just about numbers; they’re about empowering you to make smarter financial choices. Whether you’re a budgeting newbie or an investment enthusiast, there’s an app to suit your needs. Happy saving!



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