Despite the strides women have made in various tech industries, it still proves to be a man’s world.
By Cy White, Illustrations by Jessica Wetterer
In a 2019 article published by Inc. Magazine titled “10 Cities in America Where Women-Led Companies Are Most Likely to Succeed,” Austin ranked sixth. “Austin upholds its reputation as a southern startup haven with 22 women-led Inc. 5000 companies, which grew their collective revenue 169 percent between 2015 and 2018,” staff writer Emily Canal says. Three of the 10 companies on the list are Texas based.
1 in 4
According to Felix Richter of Statista, of the largest tech companies in the U.S. (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft, known colloquially as the “GAFAM group”), fewer than 1 in 4 women hold technical roles at each of the companies. Amazon, however, does not report on this number.
Though ranked sixth in cities where women-led companies are most likely to succeed, according to a 2020 report titled “Best Cities for Women in Tech” by SmartAsset, Austin ranked only 49 out of 59 cities on the list, with 21.9% of tech jobs filled by women and a gender pay gap of 82%.
12 years, a global organization specific to women in tech, releases an annual report detailing the state of the tech industry specific to gender and racial/ethnic statistics. In their 10th annual report titled “2020 Top Companies for Women Technologists,” their studies showed that if a growth rate of 4.96% holds, it would take 12 years to reach true equal representation of women in the field.
In an article by Josh Howarth titled “Percentage Of Women In Tech & 74+ Inequality Stats 2022,” as of February 2022, only 26.7% of tech-related jobs were held by women. According to Howarth, these numbers steadily decline the higher up in leadership these tech-related jobs become.