Tammy Smittle is the CEO of two independent physician-owned acute-care hospitals that have become industry leaders in providing medical care.
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Tammy Smittle is the CEO of two independent physician-owned acute-care hospitals. Despite the local and national trend of most hospitals being absorbed into larger corporate entities, Smittle’s leadership has allowed these two locally owned facilities to remain independent and also to thrive. Her hospitals have become industry leaders in providing acute, surgical and general medical care. Smittle’s background as a registered nurse for more than 22 years has driven her passion for a patient-centered care model that focuses on exceptional outcomes, patient satisfaction and cost effectiveness. As CEO, Smittle oversees all aspects of operations, physician recruitment, financial matters and market development. Despite her busy schedule, Smittle is an avid cyclist but her most enjoyable and rewarding endeavor is being a baseball mom to her rising 9-year-old son, Slate.