Snackbox PR Founder Jenna Oltersdorf sheds light on five favorable ways to feel empowered in 2017.

There is nothing more gratifying than giving a woman who is just starting out in her career your time and knowledge,” says Jenna Oltersdorf, CEO of public relations and graphic-design firm Snackbox PR, which turned 10 last September. “I regularly work to empower people looking to break into PR on how to interview, work fashion and media relations. It’s so gratifying to watch their careers shoot off to notable agencies and news outlets. I’m so proud of all of them!” Austin Woman persuaded Oltersdorf, who founded her Austin-based PR company before the age of 30, to share her best advice and tools of the trade for empowerment. — Emily C. Laskowski
Ask for Help
“A couple of years ago, I realized I needed outside help if I wanted to grow my firm. My business coach, Stephanie Chung, holds me accountable, gives me great advice and keeps me motivated. She is my cheer section, my mentor and my sounding board, and with her guidance, Snackbox has grown substantially.”
Connect to Your Team
“I use the Slack app to keep me connected to my team. It allows our team members in various cities throughout the country to stay connected, mentor and empower one another.”
Read the News
“As busy as I am, it’s easy to get micro-focused and lose sight of the bigger picture, especially of what’s current in the world. I find Flipboard to be an indispensable platform to help me keep current, from the latest fashions to what’s going on in Europe.”
Stand Tall
“My mother taught me to run in heels when I was 7. Yes,they’re bad for your knees and sometimes uncomfortable, but when I’m striding into a new business meeting, they make me feel like Wonder Woman marching into battle. One of my favorites in my collection is a pair of boots by Italian luxury brand Kallisté.”
Utilize Technology
“I love gadgets, the shinier, the better. The iPhone 7 Plus is the perfect size for me to conduct business on the go.”