The pandemic has forced many us to reevaluate our personal relationships to navigate through a new normal.
By Allie Justis, Photo by Valentin Antonucci on Unsplash

2020 just keeps hitting us with hurdles left and right. For many this fall, these hurdles have put a large amount of strain on their personal lives. Austin is no exception. In a recent study by, Austin was ranked as the 66th most stressed city in the US for family stress. In other words, Austinites are in the top 36% for being the most stressed in their personal lives.
With all of that being said, what can you do if you’re feeling stressed at home? How do you maintain your relationships with your family, friends and partners during the pandemic? Wonder no more! Here are five ways to help maintain relationships with your loved ones during COVID-19.
Figure Out Where Your Problem Areas Are
This pandemic poses some unique challenges across the board. In your personal life, these challenges usually fall into two categories. You either have a strain on your relationship because you can’t see your loved ones enough, or conversely, you are having problems because you see each other too much. There are easy ways to fix these problems. First you have to know what category you fall into, or else you can’t make any sort of meaningful change.
Keep Up That Communication
If you fall into that first category, then communication is definitely key. Odds are, if you are missing them, whether it’s an elderly parent or an immunocompromised friend, they are probably missing you too. Making an effort to reach out on a daily or weekly basis will help to build up that relationship and let them know you are still thinking about them and still care. It can be as easy as a check-in phone call or even a funny text. Whatever you choose, the constant communication is one small step in a long journey through these tough times.
Get Out of the Same Old Routine
If your problem is that you see your loved ones too much and every little thing they do is starting to stress you out, then changing things up may be exactly what you need. With a partner, that may mean finding new date ideas like going to the park or checking out a new cool restaurant in the area. For your family maybe that means going to the lake or having a movie night.
Oftentimes, when you get caught in a rut, it makes your homelife unstable. Shaking things up and having fun with the people you love will help you remember what it is that you love about them and why you want them in your life.
Go to Counseling
Counseling can be one of the best ways to ensure your problems are heard and resolved by an objective professional. I can’t recommend counseling enough. If you feel like you’re at your breaking point with your loved ones, relationship or family counseling may just be the best thing that ever happened for you.
With all of this in mind, you should be on your way to mending and maintaining your relationships with your loved ones. It is always a two-person effort. If you both don’t put in your all to try and improve the relationship, then nothing will change. However, if they just aren’t meeting you halfway, then it may be time to rethink whether or not you need them to be a part of your life. Sometimes it’s better to let them go. Remember, no matter what, there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel. With these tips and a positive mindset, the sky’s the limit