Meet The Girls’ School of Austin’s 2019 graduating class of writers and artists, competitive athletes, entrepreneurs, skilled musicians and philanthropists.

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GSA 2019 Graduating Class

Meet The Girls’ School of Austin’s 2019 graduating class. These 18 young women include award-winning writers and artists, competitive athletes, entrepreneurs, skilled musicians and philanthropists. Three members of the class are in Austin’s All-Region Orchestra and seven received regional Scholastic Art Awards this year. Members of this class are making impressions, whether it is making small-business plans at the world’s largest slime festival or writing about an ill-fated road trip to win the Texas Teen Book Festival 2018 Fiction Writing Contest. This school year, the class partnered with Casa Marianella, a shelter for displaced immigrants and refugees. They visit the shelter once a month to perform yard work and cleaning duties and to teach the home’s youngest residents. Back on campus, their humanities curriculum provides them with context of immigration trends and global issues. These young women will attend a variety of high schools next year, including Anderson High School, Austin High School, Griffin School, Liberal Arts and Science Academy, St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, St. Stephen’s Episcopal School and Westlake High School. Look out for these ambitious and dedicated young women!


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