How to host a magical women’s night in, instead of going out.

By Laurel Sanchez
Photos by Elyse Marie Photography

Women eating dinner, enjoying each other's company during a girl's night in.

In a post-quarantine world, some of us are discovering that we socialize in different ways. Now, some extroverts enjoy more time alone. Friday night clubbing has turned into Saturday morning run clubs, and dinner reservations may be swapped for peaceful home-cooked meals. But can one of the most renowned nights of the week—women’s night out—be converted into a successful women’s night in? This is exactly what we asked Shannon Hale of You Are Magic Media.

Shannon Hale is a longtime Austinite, as well as a mom of two, wife and co-founder of You Are Magic Media (a multi-media and brand activation company). She specializes in customer experience, and she says her goal is to “make sure every attendee leaves feeling more connected and inspired”. She, like many others, experienced a significant shift after the 2020 shutdown.

“I became a home mixologist, mastering mocktails and cocktails.” Hale says.“While I still love the energy of large events, I’ve come to cherish the charm of intimate gatherings. There is something magical about connecting deeply in smaller groups or enjoying quiet evenings dedicated to personal growth.”

For most of us, what has kept us going through life are the people closest to us. “Women’s friendship are my soul food,” Hale states. “They’re powerful, inspiring, and healing. There’s nothing like the support and laughter of my gal pals to turn my day around.”

Women enjoying each other's company during a girl's night in.

However, she tells us that this wasn’t always her perspective. “I used to see women’s circles as ‘cliques’ until I realized the importance of aligning values in a relationship. There have even been studies done that show strong female friendships can boost mental health, reduce stress and even increase longevity. Everything changed once I learned how to connect with other women. This is something I’m very passionate about.”

This is where she has found her passion, in creating that kind of space for women so they can cultivate friendships, be vulnerable, and empower each other. Her ability to bring people together and create meaningful, intimate experiences has made her excel at her profession as well as a women’s night host.

“A few months ago, I hosted a ‘Spa & Sparkle’ night,” Hale says. “We had DIY facials, mini-massages and a sound bath, accompanied by cocktails and mocktails.”

She recalls that it was a night of laughter, pampering, and heartfelt conversations. If a spa night isn’t attainable, she offers other fun ideas, “the list is endless!” she says.

“From craft nights making personalized jewelry to gourmet cooking sessions where we pretend we’re on a competitive cooking show,” says Hale. “We’ve also had movie marathons in pajamas watching classic chick flicks.”

Recently her girls’ nights have looked a bit different. She has swapped out the bubbles and face masks for mastermind sessions where they spend the night planning their dreams and business ideas together.

“Whether we’re staying in or going out, it’s the connections we nurture that truly matter. Every moment is an opportunity to spread a little joy and magic. Here’s to making every interaction magical, whether it’s sharing a warm cup of tea or dancing the night away!”

Women enjoying each other's company during a girl's night in.

More from the September Issue



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