Priscilla Hardenne helps women feel confident and conquer the day with style through her company Style by Priscilla.

Sponsored Content, Photo by Romina Olson 

Priscilla Hardenne is the founder of Style by Priscilla. Her motto is: out with the old and in with the new. She has always had a passion for style and organizing. After an extensive education in which she received various degrees and certificates, she was able to focus with passion and become an image consultant, color-analysis specialist and makeup artist. She has helped people of all ages and body types discover their own individualized style with special flair. She doesn’t see her work as a real job. She wakes up excited and enthusiastic about her day, thinking about helping women feel confident so once they step out the door, they can conquer the day in style. A mother of two loving boys with a supportive husband of 12 years, she’s a style lover, beach lover and passionate horse-riding girl who is proud and blessed to call Austin her home.


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