As her empire expands, the “Empress of Rainey Street” remains supreme.
By Deborah Hamilton-Lynne
Twelve years after Bridget Dunlap was the cover woman for the July issue, many things have changed but some – mostly the essence of the woman – have remained the same. And, the life force that enabled Dunlap to pioneer Rainey Street’s transformation in 2012 has grown even stronger. On her Instagram page she describes herself as, “Bold, unapologetic pioneer of Austin’s Rainey St. entertainment district. Inspired by music, writers, rebels, and my kids. Survivor.” I met Dunlap at Lustre Pearl Houston, the latest addition to her expanding food and beverage empire, to catch up on the trials and triumphs the last 12 years have brought.
BD: (Laughing) I was a single mother raising my [mixed-race] son when Chris came into my life. He took us on and raised Asher as his own. Our family now includes Chris’s grown children, and we have a grandson, Rowan. Chris is just the greatest guy. We have been married for almost 13 years and he is the CFO of Dunlap ATX. He takes care of all the things that I do not like to do and am not good at. He is not jealous, and he doesn’t mind sitting in the background and doing all of the financial things that are not me. He is quite the opposite of me, and it really works.
Anyone who has had teenagers knows what a challenge it is to raise them but after a few detours Asher has found his place and joined the Air Force. He is in training and plans to become a pilot. I am happy that he is on his way to doing what he loves to do, and I feel very free.
AW: You look great and seem to be energetic and ready to go with the new Lustre Pearl Houston, but you recently had some health issues that forced you to step back. How did you overcome those?
BD: For eighteen months I was dealing with multiple health issues. I was diagnosed with cancer. I had five different surgeries to address back problems and carpal tunnel syndrome and fought debilitating major depression. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and it felt like the kicks just kept coming. I was in a dark place and didn’t get out of bed for months. My business was suffering and slow to recover after the pandemic, so I really had no choice except to get back to work, even though my doctors advised me to take eight more weeks after my last back surgery. No matter how I was feeling physically or mentally, I knew I could’nt give up. It is just who I am. I have to keep going forward. Reverse is not a word in my vocabulary.
AW: In 2012 you were the “Empress” of Rainey Street entertainment district having been the driving force in turning the rundown area into a thriving destination for people wanting to have a good time in downtown Austin. Fast forward to 2024 and Dunlap ATX now includes four locations in Austin as well as two in Portland and Denver. What drove you to expand?
BD: People always ask me the same question. “Where do you get your drive?” My family was very dysfunctional, and I left home at 16. I have always been a gambler, and I always bet on myself and learned to trust my gut. I love change and I am not intimidated by risk. If I see an opportunity, I go with it and am determined to make it work. When you are on a hot streak keep going, otherwise it is turning down an opportunity and I am never going to do that. Also, I need movement. I get bored if I don’t have something new to work on. So basically, I said, “Why stop now? Let’s keep going.” Why not go to Denver? Why not go to Portland? The opportunity presented itself. I dream big and don’t say no, so here we are spending four million dollars to open Lustre Pearl in Houston – my hometown. I’ve come full circle.
AW: How have you seen the business change in the past few years and how are you meeting the challenges?
BD: It has been slow to come back after COVID. People became isolated and began to see eating out and going to a bar as a luxury. People will always want to drink and have a good time, but they are not as social as they were before. I see interaction with the phone as a deterrent to socialization. People are more comfortable being alone and view their phone as a kind of sanctuary; especially as they become more fearful of the many changes we are seeing today. All I can do is deliver – deliver a place to have fun with good service, good food and good drinks.
AW: In 2012 you said that your personal philosophy was “Dream Big and deliver on your own terms.” Sounds like that is still true and you are stronger and more determined than ever.
BD: I am asked to speak to aspiring entrepreneurs at Google, Facebook, the McCombs School of business and I see kids with book smarts that I don’t have. They all want to know the “formula” for success in my industry and I tell them that if they are looking for a formula they are in the wrong business. It’s about being gritty and working your ass off and never taking no for an answer. You have to be a gambler and not be afraid of risk. You have to have gumption and do whatever it takes – last week I was outside painting the parking lot here at the restaurant. Be someone who ‘figures it out.’ Risk doesn’t guarantee anything, but you will never know unless you take a chance and risk losing it all.
You can think about it all day, you can talk about it all day, you can build business plans all day, do research all day but until you put something into action you do not know what is going to happen let alone how it will turn out. There is always something that is out of your control so be nimble. No matter what, I keep going and refuse to be scared.
If it turns to shit you can always start again. If it takes a dip, then you have a new perspective. If you are handed everything and don’t have to work for it and work hard then how can you really appreciate the ride?
AW: What’s next?
BD: Getting this beauty (Lustre Pearl Houston) up and running and profitable. She has been neglected, but I am determined to make it happen. Just watch me. There is also talk of a Netflix series and possibly a book on the horizon. Once you acquire some things and get some success under your belt why would you ever turn back? So, I never say no. I just keep going.
Now, more than ever, Bridget Dunlap is trusting herself and appreciating the ride. She continues to embrace life as a rebel – bold and unapologetic – enjoying life with all its highs and lows and never letting an opportunity pass her by.
The Dunlap ATX Empire 2024
Dunlap gives each of her bars and restaurants personalities which not only reflect her persona but also the vibe of each place. Here’s what you can expect at each Austin establishment:
Lustre Pearl Rainey: Built after construction took the original, Lustre Pearl Rainey is still the “same lovely lady just with a new kind of sparkle. Hula hoops, ping-pong tables, great drinks, friendly service and a beauty you can’t ignore.”
Lustre Pearl East: The original Lustre Pearl – 1895 house was relocated to this location. Truly the alter ego of Dunlap, it is a cozy, warm and fun adult playground. Dunlap loves it so much that she was married here.
Lustre Pearl South: The combination of three southern cousins hailing from Yazoo City, Mississippi, the vibe is laid-back, gracious and a bit out of the box. Expect southern favorites like a juke box, pool table, stage and snow cones to beat the heat all summer.
Clive: He is the romantic interest of Lustre Pearl. Inspired by Kris Kristofferson, Clive is larger than life and a true Texas gentleman.
Find other Dunlap ATX locations in Denver, Portland and Houston.