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Attorney, Activist, Author
Recognized as a 2024 Texas Rising Star in appellate law, Samantha McCoy is an attorney, public speaker, activist and licensed mental health therapist. Above all, her greatest honor has been raising her beautiful daughter alongside her fiercely supportive husband. Following a sexually violent crime, McCoy dedicated her career to ensuring all gaps within the judicial system are finally closed and all survivors of sexual violence are treated in a dignified and trauma-informed manner. McCoy has successfully lobbied for and passed five laws in four states and one United Nations Resolution – all of which strengthened the rights and protections for survivors. McCoy received her Master’s in Social Work and a Certificate of Advanced Study in Trauma-Informed Practice from Syracuse University. She then obtained her Doctor of Jurisprudence from St. Mary’s University School of Law. She continues her lobbying efforts in the hope of a more just system for future generations.